I am creating a RSS Feed application based on a data, and I have the following:
I have an ArrayCollection that is pre-populated with data. I am sorting through the ArrayCollection, get 1 piece of data (condition), and need to connect to an RSS feed which returns me the title, and I set my ArrayCollection in correspondence to condition -> title.
public function updateArrayList(list:ArrayCollection):ArrayCollection {
for(var i:int = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
// Alert.show(list.getItemAt(i).condition);
list.getItemAt(i).title = getRSS.lastResult.article.title;
return list;
public function getRSSUpdate(condition:String):void {
getRSS = new HTTPService();
getRSSParam = new Object;
getRSSParam.condition = condition;
getRSS.method = "POST";
getRSS.url = "http://localhost/site/remoteRequests/flash/rss/getRSS.php";
Basically, I want to iterate through the list ArrayCollection, and update list.getItemAt(i).title with result passed from the HTTPService.
This doesn't work! Help!