Have a look at
It's an external DSL so not technically C++. However as it generates
pure C++ / C from the regular expressions it should be much faster than
anything that is built at runtime./
For example.
action dgt { printf("DGT: %c\n", fc); }
action dec { printf("DEC: .\n"); }
action exp { printf("EXP: %c\n", fc); }
action exp_sign { printf("SGN: %c\n", fc); }
action number { /*NUMBER*/ }
number = (
[0-9]+ $dgt ( '.' @dec [0-9]+ $dgt )?
( [eE] ( [+\-] $exp_sign )? [0-9]+ $exp )?
) %number;
main := ( number '\n' )*;
get's compiled down to
if ( ++p == pe )
goto out0;
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr0;
goto st_err;
{ printf("DGT: %c\n", (*p)); }
if ( ++p == pe )
goto out1;
switch ( (*p) ) {
case 10: goto tr5;
case 46: goto tr7;
case 69: goto st4;
case 101: goto st4;
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr0;
goto st_err;