




How can you call a Function over some part of a container, using for_each() ?

I have created a for_each_if() to do a

for( i in shapes )
    if( i.color == 1 )

and the call looks like

for_each_if( shapes.begin(), shapes.end(),
                       bind2nd( ptr_fun(colorEquals), 0 ),
                       ptr_fun( displayShape ) );

bool colorEquals( Shape& s, int color ) {
    return s.color == color;

However, I feel immitating STL-like algorithms is not something that I should be doing.

  1. Is there a way to use only existing STL keywords to produce this ?

    I did not want to do a

     for_each( shapes.begin(), shapes.end(),
                       bind2nd( ptr_fun(display_shape_if_color_equals), 0 ) );

    because, in a more complicated case, the functor name would be misleading with respect to what the functor

  2. *Is there a way to access a struct's member (like colorEquals) for functions like for_each without having to create a function ? *

+4  A: 

Imitating STL-like algorithms is exactly what you should be doing. That's why they're in the STL.

Specifically, you can use a functor instead of creating an actual function and binding it. This is much neater, really.

template<typename Iterator, typename Pred, typename Operation> void 
for_each_if(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Pred p, Operation op) {
    for(; begin != end; begin++) {
        if (p(*begin)) {
struct colorequals {
    colorequals(int newcol) : color(newcol) {}
    int color;
    bool operator()(Shape& s) { return s.color == color; }
struct displayshape {
    void operator()(Shape& s) { // display the shape }
for_each_if(shapes.begin(), shapes.end(), colorequals(0), displayshape());

This is usually considered the idiomatic way to go.

I have to work with ~10 c++ compilers, some dating back to late 90's. STL implementation in many of them is so diverse, which implies that S in STL does not stand for 'Standard'. That's why I tend to avoid immitating STL functions, and rather just call them. I thought that if for_each_if() is the way to solve the problem, then it should have already been in STL, shouldn't it? (I mean remove_if, find_if, count_if is there already).
Grim Fandango
@Grim: People normally just stick the if in their functor for for_each. There's no need for such a for_each_if construct.
+1  A: 

To use a regular for_each with an if you would need a Functor that emulates an if condition.

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>

using namespace std;

struct incr {
  typedef void result_type;
  void operator()(int& i) { ++i; }

struct is_odd {
  typedef bool return_type;
  bool operator() (const int& value) {return (value%2)==1; }

template<class Fun, class Cond>
struct if_fun {
  typedef void result_type;
  void operator()(Fun fun, Cond cond, int& i) {
    if(cond(i)) fun(i);

int main() {
  vector<int> vec;
  for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) vec.push_back(i);

  for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), boost::bind(if_fun<incr, is_odd>(), incr(), is_odd(), _1));
  for(vector<int>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it)
    cout << *it << " ";

Unfortunately my template hackery isn't good enough to manage this with bind1st and bind2nd as it somehow gets confusing with the binder being returned being a unary_function but it looks pretty good with boost::bind anyhow. My example is no means perfect as it doesn't allow the Func passed into if_fun to return and I guess somebody could point out more flaws. Suggestions are welcome.

Cool. I suppose I can now add a helper function to instantiate an `if_fun` object so that I can reduce the template parameters when calling `for_each()`...
Grim Fandango
boost::bind works equally well with normal functions so the extra noise of class based Functors is not really necessary
+2  A: 

Using boost range adaptors is much neater.

using boost::adaptor::filtered;
using boost::bind;

class Shape {
  int color() const;

void displayShape(const Shape & c);

bool test_color(const Shape & s, int color ){
    return s.color() == color;

    ( vec | filtered(bind(&test_color, _1, 1)
    , bind(&displayShape, _1)

Note the use of the new range library to abstract away iterators in favor of ranges and the range adaptors library to compose a pipeline of operations.

All the standard stl iterator based algorithms have been ported to range based algorithms.

Imagine this

typedef boost::unordered_map<int, std::string> Map;
Map map;
using boost::adaptor::map_keys;
using boost::bind
using boost::ref
using boost::adaptor::filtered; 

bool gt(int a, int b)
{ return a > b };

std::string const & get(const Map & map, int const & a)
{ return map[a] }

// print all items from map whose key > 5
    ( std::string const & s
    , map 
        | map_keys 
        | filtered(bind(&gt, _1, 5)) 
        | transformed(bind(&get, ref(map), _1))
        cout << s;


http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/adaptors.html http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/algorithms.html
