Having the following django view code that generates a CSV response from a database view:
def _get_csv_stats(request, **filterargs):
result = GlobalStats.objects.select_related().filter(**filterargs).values_list('user__username',
'center__name', 'action_name',
'action_date').annotate(num = Count('id')).order_by("action_date")
response = HttpResponse(mimetype = 'text/csv')
response.write( codecs.BOM_UTF8 )
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=statistcs.csv'
writer = UnicodeWriter(response)
for value in result:
writer.writerow([unicode(v) for v in value])
return response
Some of the columns contain utf8 text. When I download the file and open it using Linux or Mac OS X I can see the text properly. But downloading and opening the file using windows XP strange characters appear in the place of the non-ASCII text. Converting the file from csv to xls using Open Office on linux and opening the file on windows xp will result with a readable file (no strange characters).
I can't see what I'm missing here as I don't work with win XP. Has anyone experienced anything similar?
The UnicodeWriter class I'm using is descibed here at the bottom.