




I found the pre-release docs for this at https://developer.apple.com/iphone/prerelease/library/featuredarticles/FA_Wireless_Enterprise_App_Distribution/Introduction/Introduction.html (Developer account required)

and some more at: http://jeffreysambells.com/posts/2010/06/22/ios-wireless-app-distribution/

I'm running into issues when I click on the link to the .plist file

<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https://www.server.edu/iphone/calcs.plist"&gt;Install My App over the air</a>

-- the iOS4 device reports back:

Cannot connect to www.server.edu

Server names intentionally obscured

Obviously the device can connect to the server otherwise i wouldn't be able to see the page that has the link...

Any suggestions?


I haven't run into this, but the first place I'd look is the web server access logs at www.server.edu, to see if a) the request is getting to the server, and b) it's returning an error. I'd bet that the server doesn't like something about the HTTP request coming from the device. Missing cookie? Authentication required? Expecting a particular "Accept" header?

I assumed that the authN/authZ credentials that were used to view the link to the website would also be available to whatever process is handling the installation, so I put the .ica file behind our auth... That was the problem. Now that I've moved it to a noauth space on our webserver, it's working great. Now, all I need to do is figure out how to prevent my users from creating their own .plist file and pointing to the 'public' .ica file... sigh.
Chris Brandt
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to achieve, but it sounds like you want to avoid making the .ica publicly accessible. Could you put it on a private network, so the device would have to be on your secure wifi network to install?