If some one does right click on a given Table in a Database using SQL Server management Studio from Microsoft and create script table to query window, it displays the create table code in the window. I notice something like the following
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Login](
[UserId] [int] NOT NULL,
[LoginName] nvarchar COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
Is this how it appears in other DBMS too ?
Is this something specific to DBMS used ?
Is it just a fancy view only ?
Why are "[ ]" used around column names and table names. Simple TSQL definition would look something like
CREATE TABLE table_name (
Column#1 Datatype NOT NULL,
Column#2 Datatype NOT NULL UNIQUE,
-- etc...
Please dont mind my silly questions.
Thanks in advance,
Balaji S