



Hi, everyone

I want to ask about the passing parameter in objective C on iPhone simulator. Is it possible to pass an parameter (e.g. NSArray) to the delegate method?

I wrote a program, when the user press a button, it will call a function called 'pressLoginButton' (user-defined). After complete the function, I have to pass an NSArray and NSString to the delegate method (connectionDidFinishLoading() in NSURLConnection class). Is it possible to do it?


It should be possible. Only problem can be with memory management (retain/release), if isn't properly handled.

Thank you for your reply. But how to do it? Would you mind to give me a example for refer?
+1  A: 
connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self];
[self setSavedProp:@"somevalue"];

since the delagate is "self", you can set a property on the current object/self/delegate

now in connectionDidFinishLoading(), access the property which contains the value you wanted

- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
   // doSomething with value...
   [self savedProp];
Aaron Saunders