I once started C++ about 3 years ago, and my skill literally frozen up at that point, because I can't find a good practical reading sources that can fill the gap between beginner and expert. I tried to read and understand other expert's open sources code but most of their implements are just too confusing, and most of the time requires a deep understanding of what you're trying to do and what's running behind the scene. I am searching for one but most of what I have found are the ones that teach you about assembly syntax. I know that assembly language give good insight into the computer system, but what I want is a book that give you insight into how to practically use the knowledge of computer architecture on high level language like C++. In other word, a book that not only teaches about the architecture but also teaches about practical uses of computer architecture.
Another kind book that I would want to have my hand on is a book that show how programmer construct a large project/software from ground up. I have always wonder how they build a source code with around hundreds or even thousands of header/source files. Where did they, the programmers, start? I mean creating these hundreds of sources files that are linked together (through import). If I am going to do such one, where should I start? I really want a book that gives insight into these knowledges and probably better WITH practical examples.