



Hi, Since an earlier question regarding creating a virtual MIDI device (so I can direct MIDI to applications on same PC):-

I have tried to build a test driver using the adapter shown in the DDK sample "MPU401" and created a Miniport modelled (almost exactly) on the DMusUART sample. After blue-screening my PC a few times and probably damaging my registery, I've managed to get my device showing up under the device manager. In DebugView, I can see the DriverEntry, AddDevice, StartDevice and GetDescription fns all get called during "Add new hardware" being run from the control panel. However, in an application that uses "midiInGetNumDevs" or "midiOutGetNumDevs" my device doesn't show. The same Pin descriptors are being used as in the DMusUART example.

Is there something I need to add to the .inf file to solve this, or should the device appear if it has replied with the correct PCFILTER_DESCRIPTOR? I hacked the .inf file from the DDKSynth sample without really understanding every stage, so the installation might not be completely ok.

Many thanks, Pete