I find Boost iterators elegants, although they can be a bit verbose (range-based algorithms would make this better). In this case transform iterators can do the job:
#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
int totalSize = std::accumulate(
boost::make_transform_iterator(vf.begin(), std::mem_fn(&Foo::size)),
boost::make_transform_iterator(vf.end(), std::mem_fn(&Foo::size)),0);
Edit: replaced "boost::bind(&Foo::size,_1)
" by "std::mem_fn(&Foo::size)
Edit: I just found that the Boost.Range library has been updated to introduce range algorithms! Here is a new version of the same solution:
#include <boost/range/distance.hpp> // numeric.hpp needs it (a bug?)
#include <boost/range/numeric.hpp> // accumulate
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp> // transformed
int totalSize = boost::accumulate(
vf | boost::adaptors::transformed(std::mem_fn(Foo::size)), 0);
Note: the performances are approximately the same (see my comment): internally, transformed
uses transorm_iterator