So I have these tables:
STUDENTS: Student ID - First name - Last name - Email
COURSES: Catalog ID - Course Name - Description
TERMS: Term ID - Start Date - End Date
COURSEINSTANCES: CourseInstance ID - Catalog ID - Term ID
STUDENTCOURSES: StudentCourse ID - CourseInstance ID - Student ID - Date added to database
This makes it easy to see which students have taken which courses. I'm not sure how to go about finding out which students have NOT taken a particular course.
Doing something like this:
WHERE ((CourseInstances.CatalogLookup)<>504)
will just give me a list of courses taken by students that do not equal catalog number 504 like this:
Tara - 501
Tara - 502
Tara - 505
John - 503
So for example I've taken 504. Therefore I do not want me to show up on this list. The SQL above will just show all of my courses that are not 504, but it will not exclude me from the list.
Any ideas? Is this possible?