Hi, sorry for the noob question, but I'm new to C++.
I need to read some information, line-by-line, from a file, and perform some calculations, and output into another file. For example, we read a unique ID for each line, a name, and 2 numbers. The last 2 numbers are multiplied, and in the output file, the ID, name and product are printed line by line:
2431 John Doe 2000 5
9856 Jane Doe 1800 2
4029 Jack Siu 3000 10
ID Name Total
2431 John Doe 10000
9856 Jane Doe 3600
4029 Jack Siu 30000
My code is similar to this, but only the first line appears in the output file. If I press Enter
repeatedly, the other lines appear in the output file:
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
ifstream cin("input.txt");
ofstream cout("output.txt");
int main () {
int ID, I, J;
string First, Last;
char c;
cout << "ID\tName\t\Total\n";
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
cin >> ID >> First >> Last >> I >> J;
cout << ID << " " << First << " " << Last << " " I * J << "\n";
return 0;
That's my only problem, that the values don't appear in the output file, unless I press Enter
repeatedly, then close the program. Can anyone suggest a fix for my code above, to have it do the task without keyboard input? Thanks!