I'm not getting the partial template specialization. My class looks like this:
template<typename tVector, int A>
class DaubechiesWavelet : public AbstractWavelet<tVector> { // line 14
static inline const tVector waveletCoeff() {
tVector result( 2*A );
tVector sc = scalingCoeff();
for(int i = 0; i < 2*A; ++i) {
result(i) = pow(-1, i) * sc(2*A - 1 - i);
return result;
static inline const tVector& scalingCoeff();
template<typename tVector>
inline const tVector& DaubechiesWavelet<tVector, 1>::scalingCoeff() { // line 30
return tVector({ 1, 1 });
The error gcc outputs is:
line 30: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class numerics::wavelets::DaubechiesWavelet<tVector, 1>’
line 14: error: declaration of ‘class numerics::wavelets::DaubechiesWavelet<tVector, 1>’
I've tried several solutions, but none worked. Anybody has a hint for me?