In your window class, implement FieldChangeLIstener.
I would recommend doing marking the index of where you want to add/remove the label, so that in fieldChanged event you can more easily do what you want without risk of using an invalid index:
if (selectedIndex == 0) { // Yes
if (!labelField.hasManager()) {
// If the field is not already present, add it to the screen.
insert(labelField, positionToInsertField);
} else { // No
if (labelField.hasManager()) {
// Our field is currently on the screen - let's remove it now.
You can find an example of very similar behavior in the code below:
Look for function "handleFontTypeChange", invoked from fieldChangeListener. In there, you'll see how based on the current selection (in this case truetype font vs bitmap font) we're adding and remove a control dynamically.