




I'm looking for the answer to my question but it's quite difficult for me. I would like to keep connected to the server in background sending location of the iphone with ios4.

I`m really sad because I think that multitasking of apple is not real multitasking, in fact they only keep the state of the app but they don't allow it to run in background.

May be somebody knows if is possible to send a call by http every 30 or 60 minutes...

Please, any help would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance


Depends on it you are looking to track the user -- like Grindr does (this is not bad, per se, it just must be disclosed to the user -- and PLEASE remember to power down the GPS equipment if you really do not need to do this at certain times).

You are able to register for several different types of "location" registrations, wake up (enough to do something with that information) and wait until the next update.

Look at Multitasking under "Receiving Location Events in the Background". It will give you all the info you need. Short answer: iOS4 may not support what you think you need for this, but it, in fact, does support everything required to do what you are asking.

link text (Membership required)

I can't find the correct answer to my question. Ok, may be I can obtain the location but is important to connect to the server, so do you think that is possible to connect to the external server in background?
Did you read the text at the link above? I answered your question: You are able to register for several different types of "location" registrations, wake up (enough to do something with that information) and wait until the next update. SO, yes, you can connect to the external server. Please "Accept" my answer by clicking the checkmark.