
If Views Bonus Pack is implementing a style, each style has its own settings that change the output produced by the style. When you click on the wheel close the style name, you would see some settings fields for that purpose.

Views style

Views style settings

Thanks for the help. I don't see any options to specify a Table style. See above, as I've added screenshots. Need the output to be XML, not sure if that's possible with the Table style. Thanks.
The table style is included with Views; the purpose of the screenshot was to show what I was referring to. Different view styles show different fields.

The sort criteria are listed to the right side.

Views screenshot

If you changed the sort criteria trying to get differently sorted data without to obtain any difference, then there are just two possibilities:

  1. The sort criteria are not used for feeds; it's rather improbable.
  2. The style plugin module has an issue, and it's not working as it should.
Yeah, just added a larger version of the settings image above, showing the selected sort. I also added a link to the resulting XML, showing that the sort is not happening. Thanks.
I kept trying to obtain differently sorted data, hoping that I was following the same steps you followed. I have not been able to get any result. I think that the style plugin is not using any of the sort criteria used by the view.
Yeah, I think you are right. Seems to be a bug or a conscious lack of implementation. I will need to manage sorting in the Flash I am using to display the data. Thanks so much for your help.

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