I noticed an interesting behavior for my system on Windows XP
To debug my system, I used cmd console to start the server
xProcess = subprocess.Popen(args='Python.exe ClntMgrSvrFact.py', creationflags=CreationFlags|win32con.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)
For each client(MSExcel) connected via TCP/IP, server factory will spawn a new process using
xExeMgr = subprocess.Popen( 'Python.exe ClntMgrSvr.py', stdin = PIPE)
In this way, xExeMgr will have its output to the xProcess console (name as xPConsole).
For testing purpose, I put both my client and my server in my local.
Then the interesting part, if I switch to any other window/console on my desktop, the xExeMgr will go into deadlock.
If I switch to xPConsole on my desktop (put it to the front), xExeMgr will proceed just fine. Can anyone give me an explanation?
What's the meaning for activate/switch to a particular window/console in XP? Higher priority?