



Possible Duplicate:
What is the point of function pointers?

How pointer function work, and where is the difference ( not abstract like encapsulatin ) from methods

+1  A: 

Function pointer store entry address of a function. The type of pointer specify how this function should be called: return type, arguments and calling convention. When you call function pointer compiler generates instructions to call function at given address.

Methods are closer to functions. Method is referenced by name and replaced by actual address by compiler (if non virtual method) or via Virtual Method Table (if method is virtual). It is possible to have pointer to method that will be much like the function pointer.

The main difference between function pointers and member function pointers is that there is an implicit parameter to the member function calls that needs to be handed differently than any other arguments. That is the reason why they have completely different types --and I am not even getting to the dynamic dispatch mechanism.
David Rodríguez - dribeas
+2  A: 

in C# we call them delegates (but delegates are more then just pointers)... basically it's a pointer (a variable that is a memory location as opposed to an int, char, etc.) to a function (or method, etc), that you can then invoke. The main use is to provide a means of calling a method in your code that you don't know at compile time.

A Tutorial

A delegate is more of the combination (can you call this closure?) of an object and a method pointer to call on that object.
David Rodríguez - dribeas

Everything has a type in c/c++/etc. Even "main". What type is it? It's (approximately - main is a weird example) a:


So all functions have types. You can make a variable that stores pointers to those functions, then use them like functions themselves:

# cat f.c
  #include <stdio.h>

  typedef int (*func_that_returns_int_and_takes_int_t)(int);

  int foo( int i ) { fprintf( stdout, "foo: %d\n", i ); }
  int bar( int i ) { fprintf( stdout, "bar: %d\n", i ); }

  int main( int argc, char **argv )
    func_that_returns_int_and_takes_int_t f[4] = { foo, bar, bar, foo };
    int i;
    for( i=0; i<4; i++ ) { f[i](i); }
# gcc f.c -o f
# ./f
  foo: 0
  bar: 1
  bar: 2
  foo: 3

Function pointers can be used to modularize the interface for a function call (a concept similar to a functor), so that a function not known at compile time can be used. It also allows iterating through an array of functions, as above, which would otherwise not be possible without hardcoding them.

In higher-level languages, like perl/python/java/emcascripts, these are used all over for "passing functions" to add-event-handler functions, as well as map/reduce/sort. You never really pass "whole functions" around, you pass pointers to them.

In C++, that type would be the type of a pointer that can hold the address of a function with like `int function(int,char**)`. The actual type can be defined as `typedef int function_t(int,char**)`, and a pointer can be created with `function_t *fp`. I have avoided `main` as that is a special function that can be written in two ways. Function pointers can hold the address of a function and a function can be called through a pointer. When used as a variable or argument, function types are converted by the compiler to function pointers, so the difference can be confusing...
David Rodríguez - dribeas
true, main isn't the greatest example. i just like to remind people that even main is a function, and that every time they use a function, they're using a function pointer. just so that the concept isn't so scary. function pointers frighten people sometimes.