No need for permutations, because all letters can be repeated, even the number
since the given example is [AAAA1234],then we have 4-Letters and 4-Digits.
for each letter we have 26 {A-Z} possible combinations
Thats why for 4 letters we will have 26^4
For each Number we have 10 {0-9} possible combinations, except the last digit we 9 possible combinations {case 1}, if it not allowed to be 0 otherwise it is 10 {case 2}
Thats why for 4 letters we will have 9*10^3 {case 1} or 10^4 {case 2}
The total number of combinations is {case 1} 9*(26^4)*(10^3) or {case 2} (26^4)*(10^4)
But if your question about permutations for the set{A,A,A,A,1,2,3,4}, then consider the the equivalent set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} and try avoid the repeated sequence by divide over the permutations of {5,6,7,8} and the answer is 8!/4!=5*6*7*8=1680. the{5,6,7,8} represent {A,A,A,A} See @Tesserex & @erkangur