




This is about plugin features in my program. I need a C++ class(and object) in a plugin could be used by main module through an interface. The interface inheritance like this:

typedef struct _rwd_plugin_root_t RWD_PLUGIN_ROOT_T;

struct RWD_PLUGIN_API _rwd_plugin_root_t
    virtual int add_ref() = 0;
    virtual int release() = 0;

typedef struct _rwd_plugin_base_t RWD_PLUGIN_BASE_T;

struct RWD_PLUGIN_API _rwd_plugin_base_t : _rwd_plugin_root_t
    virtual RWD_PLUGIN_TYPE_T get_plugin_type() = 0;
    virtual const char * get_plugin_label_a() = 0;
    virtual const wchar_t * get_plugin_label_w() = 0;

typedef struct _rwd_autocomplete_plugin_base_t RWD_AUTOCOMPLETE_PLUGIN_BASE_T;

struct RWD_PLUGIN_API _rwd_autocomplete_plugin_base_t : _rwd_plugin_base_t
    virtual int set_proxy(int type, const char * host, long port) = 0;
    virtual int set_term(const char * text) = 0;
    virtual int set_term(const wchar_t * text) = 0;
    virtual int get_phon(std::vector<std::string> & phons) = 0;
... // omitted it's too long

Then I have a class in plugin to implement the interface like this:

class RWD_PLUGIN_API _rwd_dictcn_t : public _rwd_autocomplete_plugin_base_t
... // details of implementation omitted

The creator in plugin is defined like this:

EXTERN_C int RWD_PLUGIN_API create_rwd_plugin(_rwd_plugin_base_t ** pp)
    *pp = new _rwd_dictcn_t();
    return OK;

At last, I use the creator in main application so as to use the plugin like this:

    lt_dlhandle lh = lt_dlopen(filePath);
        RWD_PLUGIN_CREATE_FUNC_T pPluginFunc = NULL;
            pPluginFunc = reinterpret_cast<RWD_PLUGIN_CREATE_FUNC_T>(lt_dlsym(lh, "create_rwd_plugin"));

                RWD_PLUGIN_BASE_T * pBase = NULL;
                if(OK == (*pPluginFunc)(&pBase))
                    RWD_PLUGIN_TYPE_T pluginType = pBase->get_plugin_type();
                    if(pluginType == RWD_PLUGIN_TYPE_AUTOCOMPELE)
                        RWD_PLUGIN_FUNC_T pPluginInitFunc = reinterpret_cast<RWD_PLUGIN_FUNC_T>(lt_dlsym(lh, "initialize_rwd_plugin"));

                        //  set proxy
                        RWD_AUTOCOMPLETE_PLUGIN_BASE_T * pAuto = dynamic_cast<RWD_AUTOCOMPLETE_PLUGIN_BASE_T*>(pBase);


The problem is dynamic_cast always fails and pAuto end up being a nil. However the WIN32 version works fine. The problem happened on linux with autoconf2.61 automake1.10.1 make3.81 g++4.4.4 libtool1.5.26 . I have less experience with linux programming and hope getting help here. Thanks!

The full source code could be get on Sourceforge if necessary: svn co https://rdwtwdb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rdwtwdb rdwtwdb


You're problem may be the private inheritance:

_rwd_autocomplete_plugin_base_t : _rwd_plugin_base_t

Also I think because you have virtual functions your types are already polymorphic, but wouldn't hurt to add virtual destructors.

Edit: Sorry just realized you're using struct there so the default inheritance is public. But probably best to be explicit, especially since you're seeing differences between compilers.


you might try building with -Wl,--export-dynamic linker argument. I recall needing this argument when encountering similar behavior.

Sam Miller
The problem sovled when using -Wl,-E in bin_LDFLAGSMany thanks!
Bob L