



Hi Friends,

I have few records( with many fields) which are to be saved permanently. When I open my application next time , I need show saved files. I also need to replace few records sometimes.

Can anybody guide towards to the best aproach with sample code?

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Malleswar


I just answered a similar question. You might want to look at the code I posted there.

Marcelo Cantos
Thanks for the reply.But it looks SQlite is needed to use this code. Do I need to install Sqlite to use this code?Any other simple solution available like saving to txt file or plist ?
The iPhone comes bundled with SQLite. Select the libsqlite3.dylib (or similar framework) in XCode.
Marcelo Cantos
But SQlite is not working on iPod touch. Does ipod touch support sqlite?if not, any other option like saving to plain text file?
Yes, iPod Touch, or, more accurately, iPhone OS, supports SQLite. What exactly do you mean by, "is not working"?
Marcelo Cantos