




Egads, I'm completely perplexed! I have an iPhone app with keyboard input for a couple of fields. I've created a "giant invisible button" in the XIB to hide the keyboard after the user enters the data as well as a custom "done" button added to the numeric keyboard. If I "Build and Run" to the iPhone device in either debug or release configurations, it works great, but only once. When I terminate and run the app a second time, the giant invisible button is not there, and neither is the custom "done" button on the keyboard.

I have the Base SDK set to iPhone Device 4.0 and the Deployment Target set to iPhone OS 3.0. Active Architecture is armv6 -- I'm using an iPhone 3G.

I'm mystified by this, and hoping someone can point me in the right direction for figuring it out. FYI, it all worked fine until I upgraded to iOS4 on the device.

Thanks in advance.