I may be wrong (and really hope I am), but it looks like you'll need to use brute force on this one. There are no set / array operators that can help, nor does NSPredicate appear to help.
I think this is actually a bit tricky and it looks like you'll have to do some coding. The Core Data Programming Guide says:
If you execute a fetch directly, you
should typically not add
Objective-C-based predicates or sort
descriptors to the fetch request.
Instead you should apply these to the
results of the fetch. If you use an
array controller, you may need to
subclass NSArrayController so you can
have it not pass the sort descriptors
to the persistent store and instead do
the sorting after your data has been
I think this applies to your case because it's important to consider whether sorting or filtering takes place first in a fetch request (when the fetch requests predicate and sort descriptors are set). This is because you'll be tempted to use the @distinctUnionOfObjects set/array operator. If the list is collapsed to uniques before sorting, it won't help. If it's applied after sorting, you can just set the fetch request's limit to 5 and there're your results.
Given the documentation, I don't know that this is how it will work. Also, in this case, it might be easier to avoid NSArrayController for this particular problem and just use NSTableViewDataSource protocol, but that's beyond the scope of this Q&A.
So, here's one way to do it:
- Create a predicate to filter for the
selected bill's line items.*
- Create a sort descriptor to sort the
line items by their telephone number
(which are hopefully in a
standardized format internally, else
trouble awaits) via @"call.number" in your case.
- Create a fetch request for the line
item entity, with the predicate and
sort descriptors then execute it**.
With those sorted results, it would be nice if you could collapse and "unique" them easily, and again, you'll be tempted to use @distinctUnionOfObjects. Unfortunately, set/array operators won't be any help here (you can't use them directly on NSArray/NSMutableArray or NSSet/NSMutableSet instances). Brute force it is, then.
I'd create a topFive array and loop through the results, adding the number to topFive if it's not there already, until topFive has 5 items or until I'm out of results.
Displaying it in your UI (using Bindings or not) is, as I said, beyond the scope of this Q&A, so I'll leave it there. I'd LOVE to hear if there's a better way to do this - it's definitely one of those "looks like it should be easy but it's not" kind of things. :-)
*You could also use @unionOfObjects in your key path during the fetch itself to get the numbers of the calls of the line items of the selected bill, which would probably be more efficient a fetch, but I'm getting tired of typing, and you get the idea. ;-)
**In practice I'd probably limit the fetch request to something reasonable - some bills (especially for businesses and teenagers) can be quite large.