I have been using CodeIgniter for about a year now, but I feel that I have spent too much time building things that should be native. My own version of it is pretty cool and has almost everything I have ever used to build a web, in a way that it is reusable, but still lacks power and every time I learn something new (like TDD, or ORM), I realize that my framweork doesn't have it, and have to hack it to integrate with other php components (like simpletest) or even write them myself (a view library for theming/templating, an auth system, DB routing, Backend generation, Javascript abstraction, CSRF protection, etc etc, not to mention all the third party code I added to it thanks to the great CI community), and that sux and I guess it will never end.
Tonight I gave Symfony and Zend another chance* and got amazed with all the native stuff they have. So now I have to take the hard decision of moving from CI to one of those 2. I'm not even sure which one I should pick, so if you have some advice about them (or even about CI), I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance! :wink:
*the previous ones failed because I didn't know much about MVC or anything else, which you need just to pass the introductory tutorial