



I am looking for a way to create a blog (with some other informative pages) using offline CMS.

What I mean by "offline CMS" is:

  • I should be able to write using a markup which is abstract (not HTML, or XML). Something like the MarkDown or Textile systems.
  • The entries will be edited offline on my PC
  • When I am done, I will need to (re)generate the final HTML output and rsync it to my server.
  • For page comments, I can use something like the Disqus service.
  • In effect, the final site will be static.

Nice to have feature: Support for categories, tags, and other such navigational aids.

Is there anything like this out there?

Edit: Opensource/Free, cross-platform tools preferable.

Edit #2 Thanks to Adam, I found a similar question on SO.

+1  A: 

I also searched for something like this. I found some offline Wikis e.q. TiddlyWiki, but this is not want I wanted, same for you I think. There's CityDesk from FogCreek, pretty good, "old", avout 300 $ (to expensive I think).

I now use Incomedia Website X5 which is not a CMS but easy to use anyway.

Edit: Oh, I forgot this one, might be what you want (Java, free):

Yeah, I use TiddlyWiki, but it's not suitable here. Thanks for the other links. CityDesk seems to be Windows only (They have a free starter edition, btw). So is Ocomedia Website X5 :(
@HRJ: The starter edition is really limited. If you use it for some time, you will have to buy the full version.
+2  A: 

What you are looking for seems to be a static site generator. There is Jekyll written in ruby which supports both Textile, and Markdown. Its old homepage used Disqus. It seems to fit your needs. There is also the django-based Hyde.

Adam Schmideg
Thanks for the keywords "static site generator". Using those I found another similar question on SO: