



At my shop we do out code reviews in person and by printing out all the code on paper.

Printing out all those .h and .cpp files are a pain, and getting them in order is more of a pain. Is there any sort of program that will take all the files, print them out all at once and in order(specified by user), and include the line numbers and colored syntax(I currently use use crimson editor for the last two).

In response to all the comments and answers:

I dont have a choice about this. I have to print everything out. I know it would be helpful and it would save trees to not print everything out, but the boss rules.

+1  A: 

There are some scripts that can help, mainly enscript. This blog talks about how to integrate enscript w xcode. I suppose you could also use it on your terminal. (I hope you have a mac / UNIX :)

I dont, but now I at least know that such tools exist. Thanks.

You might want to check out Multiple different products are mentioned there.


Not directly related to your question, but for team code reviews I can highly recommend Malevich. It allows async reviewing, per-reviewer notes, in-context notes, visual change diff and other nice bells and whistles.

And it saves tree.

Franci Penov