Many websites discuss broken images being good warning signs of a possible XSS attack in the pages source code. My question is why so many attackers allow this to happen. It doesn't seem like it would be very much more trouble for an attacker to use an iframe or an unassuming picture to hide their persistent script behind. I could be wrong in assuming that broken images are very common with XSS. Thanks for the help!
Edit: I think XSS could be a misnomer in this case. I understand why an image tag that points to a java script file wouldn't display and be too much trouble to display. I think my question is more related to instances of files uploaded to the server with malicious code in them. I guess that's sort of a second question actually--is that actually XSS or more like an exploit of insecure object references by the server (going by OWASP terms)?
Edit: Here is a nice article describing XSS in detail. It mentions broken images, but it also discusses how to avoid them. I can't find any articles mentioning specific attacks with broken images. I recall reading about a few phishing attacks through email however (in these cases you are absolutely correct about CSRF, Daniel.