That wasn't really easy but I finally managed to catch the E_NOTICE
error I wanted. I needed to override the current error_handler
to throw an exception that I will catch in a try{}
function testGotUndefinedIndex() {
// Overriding the error handler
function errorHandlerCatchUndefinedIndex($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ) {
// We are only interested in one kind of error
if ($errstr=='Undefined index: bar') {
//We throw an exception that will be catched in the test
throw new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline);
return false;
try {
// triggering the error
$foo = array();
echo $foo['bar'];
} catch (ErrorException $e) {
// Very important : restoring the previous error handler
// Manually asserting that the test fails
// Very important : restoring the previous error handler
// Manually asserting that the test succeed
This seems a little overly complicated having to redeclare the error handler to throw an exception just to catch it. The other hard part was correctly restoring the error_handler both when an exception was catched and no error occured, otherwise it just messes with SimpleTest error handling.