



If I add a macro "FOO=bar" under GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS (or Preprocessor Macros if you use XCode"), what would be the best way to access the value of "FOO"?

Currently, I use the clumsy:

    #define MACRO_NAME(f) #f
    #define MACRO_VALUE(f)  MACRO_NAME(f)

    #ifdef FOO
        NSLog(@"%s", MACRO_VALUE(FOO));

This will output "bar"

Surely, there must be a better/cleaner way?

+1  A: 
NSLog(@"%s", #FOO);

See Stringification. It's the technique you're already using. What was wrong with it?

Rob Napier
This would result in `NSLog(@"%s", #bar);` after preprocessing - the indirection through another macro is needed to allow for macro expansion.
Georg Fritzsche
Noted, and agreed.
Rob Napier
+2  A: 

What you are doing is the way to stringize (or stringify) macro values. The indirection is unavoidable.

This is even mentioned in the GCC preprocessor manual section that Rob linked to.

Georg Fritzsche
Thanks for the confirmation.