



So I have my domain -, and its basically a single page site that has one purpose, so I've used RedirectToRoute on the root controller/action to go straight to So is basically the homepage.

How does Google see this? People searching for what my site is actually about will probably pickup in the results, however some people will be going to directly. Will both instances be indexed and have seperate pageranks/entries on the results page? What kind of a redirect is RedirectToRoute?

Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do, aside from straight up having, because that isn't an option.


ASP.NET uses a 302 redirect (temporary redirect) in this instance. You might be better off using a 301 (permanent redirect) but you will have to create your own ActionResult and return it from your action method.

+1  A: 

I believe a 301 redirect would be better in terms of SEO for what you are trying to do. Here is one way that you can create a permanent redirect action result:

public class PermRedirectResult : ActionResult
    private string _url;

    public PermRedirectResult(string url)
        _url = url;

    public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
        context.HttpContext.Response.RedirectPermanent(_url, true);

You can then call it in your controller like this:

public ActionResult Index()
    return new PermRedirectResult("");

Hope this help you.

+1  A: 

This might be a issue for your SEO.

ASP.Net MVC uses a 302 whenever you return a RedirectToRouteResult or a RedirectResult. This means that your new page might not get indexed.

  • 301 means Permanent redirect (as in: forget the old page and url)
  • 302 means Temporarly redirect (as in: index the original url, but with the target url's information)

So, use a 301 redirect on the homepage if you don't want to get this indexed.

On top of this: because you are creating 2 URL's with the same content, you are creating duplicate content. Having a single URL for each page is pretty important (look up canonical URL meta tag).
