There are plenty of guides out there which help you mimic VS2008's "Custom Build Step" in VS2010 with MSBuild. However, I'd like my build to be smarter and make use of MSBuild. I've written a little MSBuild task which invokes the ANTLR parser generator. That build task works flawlessly when I run it in a simple test MSBuild file. However, when I try to add my task to a C++ project, I run into problems. Essentially I've added this to the top of my project file (Right after the <project>
<UsingTask TaskName="ANTLR.MSBuild.AntlrGrammar"
AssemblyName = "ANTLR.MSBuild, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d50cc80512acc876" />
<Target Name="BeforeBuild"
RenameToCpp="true" />
However, my target is not being called before build.
How can I add my task to a C++ build?