



Hi. I've narrowed down a problem.

  1. I create a simple Dialog app with VC++ 6.0.
  2. I start a thread before the main dialog DoModal() is called
  3. I exit the application - sometimes the app shuts down immediately, other times it hangs for 10 seconds or so

What causes this? I have tried _beginthread(), _beginthreadex() and AfxBeginThread(). They all do the same thing.

If I add a Sleep(50) after the DoModal() call (when the GUI has finished processing), the program seems to terminate without problem every time.

What caused me to narrow down this problem was that I have a Win32 DLL that does the same thing. My DLL has a thread and I noticed that my applications using this DLL would sometimes take a while to stop. Eliminating the DLL and creating the simplest of programs resulted in the same thing - which is what I have described above.

Below is the code which I have added to a bog-standard MFC Dialog app:

UINT Thread( void * )
  for( ;; )
    Sleep( 50 );

  AfxEndThread( 0 );
  return 0;

// CThreadTest2App initialization

BOOL CThreadTest2App::InitInstance()

    // Standard initialization
    // If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
    //  of your final executable, you should remove from the following
    //  the specific initialization routines you do not need.

#ifdef _AFXDLL
    Enable3dControls();         // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL
    Enable3dControlsStatic();   // Call this when linking to MFC statically

  AfxBeginThread( Thread, 0 );

    CThreadTest2Dlg dlg;
    m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
    int nResponse = dlg.DoModal();

  //Sleep( 50 );   // Works when I add this ?????

    if (nResponse == IDOK)
    else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL)

    // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the
    //  application, rather than start the application's message pump.
    return FALSE;

Can somebody please help me in shutting down my app properly? What I'm ultimately trying to do is provide a way of letting my DLL close down without it being explicitly told to stop the thead via the calling application.

Thanks Paul


Well, you have and endless loop in your thread-function and never get to the call of AfxEndThread!

If you want to stop the thread from outside, you have to code a signalling mechanism into it, and check inside the loop if you have to stop.

OK - so why does it vary? You add a test for a flag inside the thread and set the flag after the dialog completes - you will get the same problem. It may take 3-4 executions to see what I mean, but give it a go.
But currently your thread gets killed by the OS, not by yourself. And this may vary in the time needed.