



Possible Duplicates:
How can I compile my Perl script so it can be executed on systems without perl installed?
How can I package my Perl script to run on a machine without Perl?

what is the best way to accomplish this. I have been using the activestate add on for the komodo IDE, but my license expired and now I am trying to find a cheaper way. The only other solution i have seen is perl2exe but I cant get that to work for some reason. Are there any better methods

+2  A: 

Choose how much you value your time. I value mine at $100 per hour.

Whatever figure you choose, you should stick to it. If you had a perfectly good setup using Komodo and it cost, for example, $300 per year, I wouldn't even think about changing that if it was going to take me three hours or more to get another solution running.

In that case, the best way is to fork out for another licence.

If you're developing software for (non-free-as-in-beer) distribution, you should easily recoup that each year (otherwise you need to rethink your business strategy).

If you're developing hobbyist software (or stuff for yourself), why would you even need it as an executable?

If you're hell-bent on a free solution (and it's only free if your time is worthless), no less a guru than Randal Schwartz himself has said you should probably not use perl2exe.

One possibility is to use pp, the PAR Packer, which is part of the PAR stuff that Randal suggests you look at.

I am writing this program for my job as a solution to a small problem. It needs to be an a .exe because I may need to put it on more than one computer. I probably could get them to buy the license but I was trying to make it cheaper for them.
I will look into PAR though. Thanks