I'm trying to implement support for Apple's enhanced Push Notification message format in my Rails app, and am having some frustrating problems. I clearly don't understand sockets as much as I thought I did.
My main problem is that if I send all messages correctly, my code hangs, because socket.read will block until I receive a message. Apple doesn't return anything if your messages looked OK, so my program locks up.
Here is some pseudocode for how I have this working:
cert = File.read(options[:cert])
ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
ctx.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(cert, options[:passphrase])
ctx.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(cert)
sock = TCPSocket.new(options[:host], options[:port])
ssl = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(sock, ctx)
ssl.sync = true
messages.each do |message|
if read_buffer = ssl.read(6)
Obviously, there are a number of problems with this:
- If I'm sending messages to a large number of devices, and the failure message is sent half way through processing, then I'm not going to actually see the error until I've already tried to send to all devices.
- As mentioned earlier, if all messages were acceptable to Apple, my app will hang on the socket read call.
One way I've tried to solve this is by to reading from the socket in a separate thread:
Thread.new() {
while data = ssl.read(6)
messages.each do |message|
This doesn't seem to work. Data never seems to be read from the socket. This is probably a misunderstanding I have about how sockets are supposed to work.
The other solution I have thought of is having a non-blocking read call... but it doesn't seem like Ruby has a non blocking read call on SSLSocket until 1.9... which I unfortunately cannot use right now.
Could someone with a better understanding of socket programming please point me in the right direction?