I am trying to use the IMFSourceResolver::CreateObjectFromByteStream method to create a IMFMediaSource instance for a DRM protected WMA file. I am adapting the ProtectedPlayback sample from the Windows SDK as a playground. The end goal I wish to achieve is to have the playback process fed by a custom implementation if IMFByteStream that I will write.
However, I cannot get either my simple IMFByteStream implementation or the implementations returned by the MFCreateFile function to work. Each returns a HRESULT of MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_BYTESTREAM_TYPE when passed to CreateObjectFromByteStream.
I tested the sample project in its default state (using CreateObjectFromUrl on a file) with a DRM protected WMA file and it worked fine. The file is not corrupt and the license is valid. I don't understand why substituting this bit of code with CreateObjectFromByteStream( MFCreateFile() ) does not work. I have been able to find little documentation that covers using custom byte streams or what the resolver expects from a byte stream instance.
If anybody has any experience with this stuff or any idea what I am doing wrong, some pointers would be appreciated.
The code I am using is here:
IMFByteStream* stream = NULL;
HRESULT hr2 = MFCreateFile(
CHECK_HR(hr = pSourceResolver->CreateObjectFromByteStream(
I've not included the whole thing because its basically the same as the sample, I've only changed this part.