Use Case: Take an HTML file with comments in a specific format (a format I specified), and change it to a JSP page that fills in these special areas with custom JSP code.
Simple Example:
<!-- start:custom-title-content -->
<h1>this is the generic title content used to develop the HTML page</h1>
<!-- end:custom-title-content -->
Now, I've already solved this problem, but can't help feeling that I've left some of the scripting language power on the table. Please review my script and critique.
File folder = new File(/C:\wamp\www\preview/)
File f = new File(folder, /index.html/)
assert f.exists()
//create result so string can be changed while iterating through
def text = f.getText()
def result = f.getText()
//regex to pull section names
def names = text =~ /(?ms)<!-- ?start:((\w+|-)+) ?-->/
//for each matched section name
names = names.each {
//match regex from begining of tag to end of tag
def sectionMatcher = text =~ /(?ms)<!-- ?start:(/ + it[1] + /) ?-->.*<!-- ?end:(/ + it[1] + /) ?-->/
def section = sectionMatcher[0][0] // the whole section to be replaced
def label = sectionMatcher[0][1] // the name of the value to be replaced with
def replacementTag = """\${templateMap['${label}']}""" // the tag needed map key
result = result.replace(section, replacementTag) // replace section
new File(folder, f.getName() + ".replaced") << result //store result in new file