I am running a query that returns me a collection of date objects for months between a certain date range. The query works fine, but is very slow (~2 seconds on my local machine, ~30 in our corporate development environment). Here it is:
FROM all_objects
WHERE ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('200804', 'YYYYMM'), -1+rownum) <= TO_DATE('200805', 'YYYYMM')
Currently, it will only return one month, but if you extend the second date string, it returns more.
I have two questions. First, why does this run so slow? I know Oracle functions really slow down a query, but this takes about 30 seconds on a development machine at my work.
The second, and more puzzling question: why does the runtime shorten to a fraction of a second when you extend the range to, say, '201805'? I would think that a greater range would take longer. It seems to be the opposite effect.