Hi Guys,
In my app, I want to implement admob and now only I have started to learn about it. So any one please guide me and is there any nice tutorial or sample?
Hi Guys,
In my app, I want to implement admob and now only I have started to learn about it. So any one please guide me and is there any nice tutorial or sample?
Download the Admob SDK for iPhone and look at the example projects. It's very simple.
It's extremely simple. Follow the guide here: http://developer.admob.com/wiki/IPhone#AdMob_iPhone_SDK
Once you have the SDK up, you simply do:
AdMobView *ad = [AdMobView requestAdWithDelegate:<your delegate>]; // start a new ad request
ad.frame = CGRectMake(0, 432, 320, 48); // set the frame, in this case at the bottom of the screen
[self.window addSubview:ad]; // attach the ad to the view hierarchy; self.window is responsible for retaining the ad
If any one get linking errors then try to use current iOS frameworks.