Hello I had recently asked a question about how to do the following:
Write a function that sums all the integers in a matrix of integers using the following header:
const int SIZE = 4;
double sumMatrix (const double m [] [SIZE] , int rowSize, int columnSize) ;
Write a test program that reads a 4-by-4 matrix and displays the sum of all its elements. Heres a sample run:
Enter a 4by4 matrix row by row:
1 2 3 4 [Enter]
5 6 7 8 [Enter]
9 10 11 12 [Enter]
13 14 15 16 [Enter]
Sum of the matrix is 136
I tried to use all the suggestions I could but the problem maybe that I just need to go back to the basic and learn some basic things I have skipped over, but heres what I have so far. Corrections and solutions, and help in any form would be highly appreciated.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int COLUMN_SIZE = 4;
int sum(const int a[] [COLUMN_SIZE], int rowSize)
int total = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < rowSize; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < COLUMN_SIZE; column++)
total += a[row][column];
return total;
int main()
int m[4][4]=
cout<< "Sum of the matrix"<< sum(m,4) << endl;
return 0;