



Static members confuse me sometimes. I understand how to initialize a simple built in type such as int with something along the lines of int myClass::statVar = 10;, which you place in a .cpp file, but I have something of the following sort:

class myClass
 // Some methods...

 static RandomGenerator itsGenerator;

The basic idea is simple enough: myClass needs access to a random generator for one of its member functions. I also can have only a few instances of the generator since each object is quite big. However, the RandomGenerator type needs to be "initialized", so to speak, by a call to RandomGenerator::Randomize(), which the compiler won't allow you to do since it's not a const rvalue (is that right?).

So how can I make this work?

Or perhaps should I not make use of a static variable in this case, and do it some other way?

+3  A: 

You could create wrapper class which will hold RandomGenerator instance in it and will call RandomGenerator::Randomize in its constructor.

Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
+1  A: 

Put it in a private field, expose a static accessor. In the accessor, if the member is not yet initialized, initialize it.

I'm banking towards this method. I think it may be the better solution, though wrapping the generator also seems like an elegant idea.
Kristian D'Amato

In cases such as these, singletons actually are your friends, despite their other drawbacks.

Pontus Gagge

Is it only a one function that needs RandomGenerator? You may do this in this way:

int myClass::foo() { static RandomGenerator itsGenerator = RandomGenerator::Randomize() ... }

This wouldn't work because Randomize doesn't return a generator. Separating the lines would cause the generator to be randomized each time you enter the block.
Kristian D'Amato
+1  A: 

If RandomGenerator is copyable, you can use a helper function for initialization:

RandomGenerator init_rg() {
    RandomGenerator rg;
    return rg;

RandomGenerator myClass::itsGenerator = init_rg();
Georg Fritzsche
just be careful when initialising global (static) variables because ordering is not guaranteed.
+1  A: 

Just write a function which returns a reference to a properly randomized RandomGenerator and turn itsGenerator into a reference to a generator:

class myClass
 // Some methods...

 // make this a reference to the real generator
 static RandomGenerator& itsGenerator;
 static RandomGenerator& make_a_generator() 
   RandomGenerator *g=0;
    g=new RandomGenerator();
   return *g;

RandomGenerator& myClass::itsGenerator=myClass::make_a_generator();
Luther Blissett
Why so complicated if you can just return a stack-allocated instance and let NRVO take care of the rest or use a function-local `static` instance?
Georg Fritzsche
RandomGenerator needs an accessible copy constructor even with NRVO. I just wanted to avoid unnecessary requirements.
Luther Blissett