



Thanks for a solution in C, now I would like to achieve this in C++ using std::sort and vector:

typedef struct
  double x;
  double y;
  double alfa;
} pkt;

vector< pkt > wektor; filled up using push_back(); compare function:

int porownaj(const void *p_a, const void *p_b)
  pkt *pkt_a = (pkt *) p_a;
  pkt *pkt_b = (pkt *) p_b;

  if (pkt_a->alfa > pkt_b->alfa) return 1;
  if (pkt_a->alfa < pkt_b->alfa) return -1;

  if (pkt_a->x > pkt_b->x) return 1;
  if (pkt_a->x < pkt_b->x) return -1;

  return 0;

sort(wektor.begin(), wektor.end(), porownaj); // this makes loads of errors on compile time

What is to correct? How to use properly std::sort in that case?

+9  A: 

std::sort takes a different compare function from that used in qsort. Instead of returning –1, 0 or 1, this function is expected to return a bool value indicating whether the first element is less than the second.

You have two possibilites: implement operator < for your objects; in that case, the default sort invocation without a third argument will work; or you can rewrite your above function to accomplish the same thing.

Notice that you have to use strong typing in the arguments.

Additionally, it's good not to use a function here at all. Instead, use a function object. These benefit from inlining.

struct pkt_less {
    bool operator ()(pkt const& a, pkt const& b) const {
        if (a.alfa < b.alfa) return true;
        if (a.alfa > b.alfa) return false;

        if (a.x < b.x) return true;
        if (a.x > b.x) return false;

        return false;

// Usage:

sort(wektor.begin(), wektor.end(), pkt_less());
Konrad Rudolph
You don't even need to use a functor. Why not just use a normal function, it is fewer lines of code?
Dave Hillier
Dave, the reason is that functors can be inlined, since the functors type will tell the compiler which function is called at compile time. using function pointers, the compiler only knows this at runtime, and this it cannot inline.
Johannes Schaub - litb
In C++, a (pointer to) normal function *is* a functor. If you pass the function name into std::sort, it can be inlined on exactly the same criteria as the operator() of any other functor would be inlined. I think.
Steve Jessop Not true. A function pointer can NOT be inlined. The compiler is not allowed to make that optimization. (Though a pointer is a functor).
Martin York
@Konrad Rudolph: Your method does not do the same as the original: The final return should not compare y but just return false.
Martin York
some say a pointer to a normal function is not a functor, and say only class types having overloaded op() are functors. but function pointers are definitely function objects.
Johannes Schaub - litb
Johannes Schaub - litb
(assuming the usual properties of a function object. i.e not being polymorph)
Johannes Schaub - litb
A function ptr can be used as when a functor is expected, and depending on your definition, we can call it a functor if you like, but it suffers from the problem that the function it represents is not known at compile-time, making it hard to inline. A class overloading op() avoids this problem.
Zan Lynx
Zan. you misunderstand it. the point is, in the std::sort function, the function doesn't know that it's calling compare. it only knows it's calling some function. if std::sort can be inlined, then indeed the function itself could be inlined too. but it requires a good compiler to figure that out.
Johannes Schaub - litb
Steve Jessop
Also, what happens when a functor with virtual op() is passed by reference? If the compiler can prove its class by DFA (for instance because it's a newly-constructed temporary in the calling expression), is it permitted to inline, or not?
Steve Jessop
template<void(*fptr)()> void call() { fptr(); } // can be inlined just as well as the class type overloading op() version.
Johannes Schaub - litb
onebyone, this is also why functors should not be polymorph. you should get the template-book (C++ Templates - The Complete Guide). Thy explain the matter there. The compiler is not forbidden to inline calls by function pointers - by no means.
Johannes Schaub - litb
OK, thanks for giving the basics (and I agree I should read that book at some point). I'd argue that functors are useful for reasons other than in order to get inlining with STL algorithms, though, so my guess is that there are uses where you would want them to be polymorphic.
Steve Jessop
+3  A: 

In C++, you can use functors like boost::bind which do this job nicely:

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

struct pkt {
    double x;
    double y;
    double alfa;
    pkt(double x, double y, double alfa)
        :x(x), y(y), alfa(alfa) { }

int main() {
    std::vector<pkt> p;
    p.push_back(pkt(10., 0., 20.));
    p.push_back(pkt(10,  0., 30.));
    p.push_back(pkt(5.,  0., 40.));

    std::sort(p.begin(), p.end(), 
              boost::bind(&pkt::alfa, _1) <  boost::bind(&pkt::alfa, _2) || 
              boost::bind(&pkt::alfa, _1) == boost::bind(&pkt::alfa, _2) && 
              boost::bind(&pkt::x,    _1) <  boost::bind(&pkt::x,    _2));

If you need to do this many times, you can also solve the problem by making a function object which accepts member pointers and does the sort. You can reuse it for any kind of object and members. First how you use it:

int main() {
    /* sorting a vector of pkt */
    std::vector<pkt> p;
    p.push_back(pkt(10., 0., 20.));
    p.push_back(pkt(5.,  0., 40.));

    std::sort(p.begin(), p.end(), make_cmp(&pkt::x, &pkt::y));

Here is the code for make_cmp. Feel free to rip it (using boost::preprocessor):

#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/empty.hpp>

// tweak this to increase the maximal field count
#define CMP_MAX 10

#define TYPEDEF_print(z, n, unused) typedef M##n T::* m##n##_type;
#define MEMBER_print(z, n, unused) m##n##_type m##n;
#define CTORPARAMS_print(z, n, unused) m##n##_type m##n
#define CTORINIT_print(z, n, unused) m##n(m##n)

#define CMPIF_print(z, n, unused)              \
    if ((t0.*m##n) < (t1.*m##n)) return true;  \
    if ((t0.*m##n) > (t1.*m##n)) return false; \

#define PARAM_print(z, n, unused) M##n T::* m##n

#define CMP_functor(z, n, unused)                                       \
    template <typename T                                                \
              BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(n, typename M)>             \
    struct cmp##n {                                                     \
        BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, TYPEDEF_print, ~)                            \
        BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, MEMBER_print, ~)                             \
        cmp##n(BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CTORPARAMS_print, ~))                   \
            BOOST_PP_IF(n, :, BOOST_PP_EMPTY())                         \
            BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, CTORINIT_print, ~) { }                     \
        bool operator()(T const& t0, T const& t1) const {               \
            BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, CMPIF_print, ~)                          \
            return false;                                               \
        }                                                               \
    };                                                                  \
    template<typename T                                                 \
             BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(n, typename M)>              \
    cmp##n<T BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(n, M)>                       \
        make_cmp(BOOST_PP_ENUM(n, PARAM_print, ~))                      \
    {                                                                   \
        return cmp##n<T BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(n, M)>(           \
            BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, m));                                \


#undef TYPEDEF_print
#undef MEMBER_print
#undef CTORPARAMS_print
#undef CTORINIT_print
#undef CMPIF_print
#undef PARAM_print
#undef CMP_functor
Johannes Schaub - litb