At Amazon I worked with a lot of code. Most of the code I worked one was code nobody really understood anymore. It was riddled with special case handling that wasn't well understood because it was an accretion of quick patches over a long period of time. If you wanted to fully understand the effect of a change you were making you were out-of-luck. In essence, you were forced to add to the accretion.
I also worked with a lot of data. The structure of the tables in SQL made excellent long-term documentation for the data. The database was relatively easy to work with directly, and the structure of the data made sense. There were people who's job it was to manage the structure and integrity of the data.
I fear that a NoSQL database, with its lack of well-documented structure, would slowly acquire all the evil qualities of the code I worked on. It would end up filled with data from old structures that nobody really understood anymore, and become a vast patchwork of mostly useless garbage.
I see the main benefits of SQL databases as the forced documentation that maintaining the database structure and consistency rules requires. Those benefits do not have an easy short-term measure like speed of a query or transactional consistency. They are long-term benefits that affect the usefulness of your data over an extended period of time.
As a second, related point, I find it more useful, when using ORMs and the like, to map out my data and then decide how that will translate into objects in the application I'm writing. The data and its relationships represent a long-term archival structure that may be used for a variety of purposes.
The structure of the object relationships in the application are there for the purposes of that application. A given set of data represented in SQL tables and relationship constraints will have many possible object models that represent it in an application, and each of those object models will reflect the goals of that particular application. But the data and its structure exist independently of any given ephemeral use that might be made of them.
I see the arguments people make about 'reporting' as being arguments that different applications can usefully view the same set of data in very different ways.
Personally, I think SQL is a good model to use directly for archival data, infrequently modified data, or data with extremely high consistency requirements. And I think that I will continue to use relational algebra to define the overall structure of my data even if I'm storing it in a NoSQL database. And I will not change the structure of the data in the NoSQL database without first modifying the relational structure describing it. This will allow me to map my NoSQL databases back to SQL so I can still use SQL for long-term storage and warehousing and force me to maintain the data structures in a well documented form.
Doing things this way will also assist me when I have to pull data out of the NoSQL database for use in applications that were not envisioned when the database was created.
Of course, there is some data who's structure naturally fits NoSQL and where generating a relational schema for it would be pointless. For example, storage of actual documents, storage of pictures or other media, or other large blobs of data that has no structure that might be useful to represent. This distinction is very tricky though. Pictures and movies do have structure to them, just not generally structure you need to store in a database. A blog post may have structure as well if you have a system designed to try to read and understand it, and that may well be structure you want to maintain a record of.