



I'm trying to convert a rails app to jruby on rails. Currently, jruby script/delayed_job run gives:

/usr/lib/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/delayed_job-2.0.3/lib/delayed/command.rb:50:in `each_object': ObjectSpace is disabled; each_object will only work with Class, pass -X+O to enable (RuntimeError)
    from /usr/lib/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/delayed_job-2.0.3/lib/delayed/command.rb:50:in `daemonize'
    from script/delayed_job:5

Is there a gem like delayed_job for jruby?


I Wasn't aware the delayed_job used ObjectSpace.
Jruby disables it by default and I don't know the performance implications
of enabling it with -x+O.
If you need to process simple and few jobs, you should consider BackgrounDRB.
If you need something to scale, you should check out Workling/Starling.


I had the same exactly the same issue. In the end I decided to use Resque instead, which I initially resisted because I thought it would be overkill. You also have another moving part to install, Redis...

However, in the end it turned out to be easy to setup and is very flexible. I'm now really glad I gave it a try.

Scott Lowe