One example I can think of is if the program uses big or little endian representation for numbers. I believe that this would certainly count as implementation defined behaviour.
On some chips, for example certain ARM chips it's possible to switch modes at run time so you might want a compiler which could produce a program that would run in either mode meaning that you have implementation defined behaviour which could potentially be different on each run depending on external settings.
Similarly I guess you could write a compiler which produced both 32 ad 64 bit compiled of the same program - and the mode it executed could be determined at run time. Again, the documentation would have to say that ints were 32 bit or 64 bit depending on how you ran it.
To be honest I can't see anyone doing either of these things, but they both sound vaguely plausible examples of what you were asking for and I can't see why they wouldn't be legal under the standard as long as the documentation properly documented the nature of the system dependent behaviour.