



Hi, i'm trying to debug an ExtJS application using IE8 but the file ext-all-debug.js it's too big for the internal IE8 debugger and takes ages to load the code, is there any faster Javascript debugger for IE8 ? Another solution that i came up with is to include every extjs file instead of the big ext-all-debug.js but i cant't find the full list (and order) of the files merged into ext-all-debug.js

Thanks for your help


FireBug for FireFox. You don't have to really test your application in IE8 so I suggest FireBug. If you really want to, you can use FireBug Lite. JS Lint to detect syntax problems.

Whereas I'd agree you can develop and debug quite happily in Firefox/Firebug, I think you'd be brave not to test against IE8 for a production system. In the real world, most people still run IE*.
Case in point - just found a bug in my app where a grid cell holding a date value is blank under IE*, works for everything else.
I'm using FireBug for development and it's great! but i have some IE only bugs that i have to fix. IE8 internal debugger it's really really slow with the ext-all-debug.js file because it's too big, so i want to include each file separately but i can't find the list of files included in ext-all.js
This probably wont help, but I use Visual Studio 2008. The freebie version does not offer Javascript debugging which is a shame since its debugger is great. If you work for a company, get them to buy it - once license will not kill them. If you work for yourself, it's a harder call.
In a framework world, the browser differences in the JS engine have been abstracted. The only real bug I have is when I leave a dangling "," somewhere in code. That's where JS Lint comes in.
Yes, frameworks aren't perfect. Did you format the date in the store and the grid properly?
The IE problem I just fixed turned out to be a different in the way that IE and Firefox convert datetimes. It was an edge case of probably invalid data, but IE returned null and Firefox just returned the wrong value. This was a case where the underlying Javascript engine was at fault. Not everything lives in the framework.
+1  A: 

i cant't find the full list (and order) of the files merged into ext-all-debug.js

Here you go:

Search for ext-all.js.

This file is actually part of the JSBuilder tool which helps you create a custom version of ext-all.js with just the files you need.

Edit: I generated a copy-and-paste list of the 3.2.1 includes
