




i have MENUViewController and i insert this view to TableViewCell, when i press button on MENUViewController how to pass nextResponder to TableViewCell ?

from LOG at my button in MENUViewController class->NSLog(@"nextResponder = %@", self.nextResponder); it show like this?

2010-07-22 02:14:12.627 NewsReaderV2[3576:207] button Press
2010-07-22 02:14:12.653 NewsReaderV2[3576:207] nextResponder = <UITableViewCell: 0x5f33120; frame = (0 48; 320 129); autoresize = W; layer = <CALayer: 0x5f330d0>>
2010-07-22 02:14:13.987 NewsReaderV2[3576:207] button Press
2010-07-22 02:14:13.988 NewsReaderV2[3576:207] nextResponder = <UITableViewCell: 0x5f3a490; frame = (0 177; 320 129); autoresize = W; layer = <CALayer: 0x5f3a570>>
2010-07-22 02:14:18.019 NewsReaderV2[3576:207] button Press
2010-07-22 02:14:18.020 NewsReaderV2[3576:207] nextResponder = <UITableViewCell: 0x692b210; frame = (0 306; 320 129); autoresize = W; layer = <CALayer: 0x6925480>>


i have insert button on each cell ,when i press on that button it will not send message to

  • (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

how to make responder from button send message to UITableViewController?

+1  A: 

If you want to select corresponding cell when button in it clicked - determine cell's indexpath in click handler (see similar question). Then call selectRowAtIndexPath:animated:scrollPosition: method on your table view.

if my Button are in another class can you give me some advise?
Could you explain what exactly you can't do exactly? Handle button click, select tableView cell or something else...
i have update infomation on my post
Solution in the link I've posted should work for your case as well (see solution in Edit2) - you convert touch point to table view's coordinate and get nsindexpath using tableview's indexPathForRowAtPoint: method. All you need is have a reference to your tableview of course to call this methods and assign proper action to the button (that takes UIEvent paramater)