Hi perl-warriors,
I have a hash with about 130,000 elements, and I am trying to check all combinations within that hash for something (130,000 x 130,000 combinations). My code looks like this:
foreach $key1 (keys %CNV)
foreach $key2 (keys %CNV)
if (blablabla){do something that doesn't take as long}
As you might expect, this takes ages to run. Does anyone know a quicker way to do this? Many thanks in advance!!
Edit: Update on the blablabla.
Hey guys, thanks for all the feedback! Really appreciate it. I changed the foreach statement to:
for ($j=1;$j<=24;++$j)
foreach $key1 (keys %{$CNV{$j}})
foreach $key2 (keys %{$CNV{$j}})
if (blablabla){do something}
The hash is now multidimensional:
I'll elaborate on what I'm exactly trying to do, as requested.
The blablabla is the following:
if ( (($CNVstart{$j}{$key1} >= $CNVstart{$j}{$key2}) && ($CNVstart{$j}{$key1} <= $CNVend{$j}{$key2})) ||
(($CNVend{$j}{$key1} >= $CNVstart{$j}{$key2}) && ($CNVend{$j}{$key1} <= $CNVend{$j}{$key2})) ||
(($CNVstart{$j}{$key2} >= $CNVstart{$j}{$key1}) && ($CNVstart{$j}{$key2} <= $CNVend{$j}{$key1})) ||
(($CNVend{$j}{$key2} >= $CNVstart{$j}{$key1}) && ($CNVend{$j}{$key2} <= $CNVend{$j}{$key1}))
In short: The hash elements represent a specific part of the DNA (a so called "CNV", think of it like a gene for now), with a start and an end (which are integers representing their position on that particular chromosome, stored in hashes with the same keys: %CNVstart & %CNVend). I'm trying to check for every combination of CNVs whether they overlap. If there are two elements that overlap within a family (I mean a family of persons whose DNA I have and read in; there is also a for-statement inside the foreach-statement that let's the program check this for every family, which makes it last even longer), I check whether they also have the same "copy number" (which is stored in another hash with the same keys) and print out the result.
Thank you guys for your time!