



I have created a UIToolBar using the IB. In one view, I have called the camera and the camera controls are masked by the toolbar.

I have tried several methods to hide the toolbar - alpha=0, toolBarHidden, hidesBottomBarWhenPushed and thought how I could re-size the camera view to allow the camera controls to be used. All with no luck.

I believe I must create a custom toolbar and then I can use the hide method.

My camera code is the standard:

UIImagePickerController *imagePicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; imagePicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; imagePicker.allowsEditing = NO; imagePicker.delegate = self;

[self presentModalViewController:imagePicker animated:YES];

Any code or final direction would be appreciated from this newbie.


Try to shift the toolbar off the screen by changing the frame of it by providing y cordinate more than 480 for iphone.

I believe creating a custom toolbar in a view and then trying to hide the toolbar in a method does not work under any circumstances. But, I would like any experts thoughts on the matter. Because my next step would be to create a custom camera where the controls are not at the bottom of the screen. This route seems difficult for a newbie...something like tapping the screen to take the picture and showing the re-take or use controls.
FYI. I created a custom toolbar with 4 buttons in the toolbar. But, I believe it is not possible to eliminate the toolbar in code contain within an IBAction id (sender) on the same view. I am now thinking I need to create a separate h and m file to implement the camera without the toolbar.
toolbar.hidden = YES works only for the UINavigation toolbar....It does not work for the UIToolbar.Experts please confirm.

Use this to "hide" the toolbar. It removes the standard "take picture ,etc" buttons and replaces it with a black bar with the same width/height of the default overlay.

imagePicker.showsCameraControls = NO;

iOS reference

I appreciate the suggestion....but....The above code does not hide the toolbar but eliminates the camera controls. I only want to eliminate the toolbar that I have created and keep the camera controls. If I nix the standard controls then I need to write alternate code such as tap the screen or custom buttons for taking the picture, retake or save to the photo album.