





I'm trying to use PlasTeX to convert some .tex files into html pages.

Here is my testing.tex

\begin{document} Hello \begin{equation} 23+40+29+29+10+60+33)/7=32

but it seems there is an issue when it tries to convert the equation in a image to put in the html Here is the result of the command-line in windows cmd : plastex testing.tex

C:\Temp\DiveIntoPlastex>plastex testing.tex plasTeX version 0.9.1 ( c:\python24\lib\site-
packages\plastex-0.9.2-py2.4.egg\plasTeX\Packages\article.pyc ) ( C:\Temp\DiveIntoPlastex\src\mypackage.pyc ) INFO: Directing output files to directory: testing. INFO: Importing templates from c:\python24\lib\site-
packages\plastex-0.9.2-py2.4.egg\plasTeX\Renderers\PageTemplate INFO: Importing templates from c:\python24\lib\site-
packages\plastex-0.9.2-py2.4.egg\plasTeX\Renderers\XHTML INFO: Importing templates from C:\Temp\DiveIntoPlastex\render INFO: Importing templates from c:\python24\lib\site-
packages\plastex-0.9.2-py2.4.egg\plasTeX\Renderers\XHTML\Themes\default INFO: Using the imager "dvipng". [ index.html ]This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.1415926-1.40.9 (Web2C 7.5.7) %&-line parsing enabled. entering extended mode kpathsea: Running mktextex images.tex ! I can't find file `images.tex'. <*> images.tex (Press Enter to retry, or Control-Z to exit) Please type another input file name:

in fact, plastex manages to write an html but instead of the equation there is an empty image with the source code of the equation.

Somebody as an genius idea ????

Ps:I precise i am now seeking a solution for 2h on the internet but I have not found something relevant...