





I am new to importing data into SQL Server tables - I have only used the Import/Export Wizard in MS SQL Server 2008 so far. However, I have a need to import hundreds of Excel files that are formatted exactly the same, but the data is in different cells/rows/columns in the workbook. There is no header row.

I am wondering if there is a way to map certain cells in an Excel workbook to certain fields in a SQL server 2008 table using SSIS or some other tool?

So that we don't have to reformat each file to create the header row and move the data to the correct fields? Basically, I am wondering if there is any application that will allow me to, for example:

Import data in cell "C3" to Table1.Field1, C5 to Table1.Field2, etc.

Each file's data would be imported into one row in "Table1".

Thank you for any help you can provide.
